Technology-Leading Manufacturer Of Industrial Automation Safety Sensors

Optoelectronic Sensors for Industrial Safety
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R & D technology

New technologies and digitization in the industry not only change the way value is created, but also provide entirely new business models and perspectives. We are always working to solve technical battles and important issues in our customers' markets. This is a prerequisite for our efficient product development and consulting expertise.


New technologies and digitization in the industry not only change the way value is created, but also provide entirely new business models and perspectives. We are always working to solve technical battles and important issues in our customers' markets. This is a prerequisite for our efficient product development and consulting expertise.
Safety Sensor Supplier

R & D activities

We are increasing our R&D activities to maintain our R&D activities to maintain our leadership position

Sensors and Measurement Solutions

R & D personnel

We are proud to have 8 outstanding senior engineers and 70 dedicated employees who are dedicated to creating a safe and worry-free production environment. For 18 years, we have continuously developed optoelectronic products, carried out product innovation, and accumulated a wealth of application examples. We always maintain the spirit of innovation, extend our imagination, and provide rock-like protection for thousands of companies around the world.

Intelligent Machine Safety Products

Patents and Knowledge

Innovation is what sets us apart, and it's something we want to stick to for the long term. That's why we use patents to protect our knowledge, and with around 3,500 patent applications, it's obvious how many ideas our employees develop

Research and Development

DADISICK's history is full of successful innovations and we intend to continue this success story into the future.
I/O Link Industrial Safety Solution

I/O link

Digital communication protocol for automation technology.

Photoelectric Sensors

Ldentification Technology

From optical reading of 1D and 2D codes to contactless data transmission via RFID.

Mechanical and Electrosensitive Switching Devices

Dual channel

Standardize data exchange across all system boundaries all the way to the cloud.